Monday, September 24, 2012

Bubba the Tripawz. Pistorious take note

About three weeks ago, Bubba's right front leg was amputated. It became obvious to everyone that the soft tissue cancer was causing him agony. The vet was concerned due to his age 17 but his bloodtests were remarkable and so.

Three weeks later, Bubba has a faint scar, he walks the same distances he used to when he was well, his appetite has improved and he is a healthier, happier little soul.

Bubba hops at great speed and still insists on sniffing every tree and bush on our walks, much to Luna's chagrin!

Bubba is an example of perseverance. He makes people smile when they see him and they comment on his bravery and comportment. Bubba does not see himself as handicapped or challenged in any way. He is the Pistorious of dogs!

Bubbas fur is growing back nicely and he is anxious to get to a groomer to even his cut. At the moment, he is enduring barbering from me...not the best of options!

Luckily Bubba has very well developed rear leg muscles from all that walking and running I did with him. Couch potatos take note!

We love Bubba to death and if possible, even more now!

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