Friday, February 24, 2012

Luna Progress note

Hello fans, Luna here. It has been almost two months in my forever home. I am not the same dog, I run everywhere, I am perfect off leash and on leash. I wag my little tail, have a great appetite and love to play. In short, I have pretty well fully recovered emotionally from that hell hole of a place I came from.

Physically, I have demodex mites on my feet. It sounds scarier than it is, but it will affect my nail beds and so I am being treated for that. My other problems like my ear infection and teeth problems have all been resolved. You know, puppy mills, I have said this before, have to be outlawed period. How can anyone look after 600 dogs? We are not things, we are living breathing creatures of Gods who need to play, to run and to be loved.

I have learned a few tricks already...and was taught how to kiss. Yeppers, I am really liking my new life. I worry about Bubba, it seems as I wax, he wanes. I wish I could do more for him because he has been so kind and welcoming for me. He is a very special soul.

On the play front, I have a lot of toys and steal items to make new toys...when I am brushed, my brush is game, I walk off with pencils, gloves, socks...and a toothbrush. They are always retreived because I put my booty in the middle of the livingroom floor. Maybe that is not so smart. I have heard pirates used to bury their truth I tried digging today to bury the grooming brush...but I think pirates never buried stuff in the livingroom.

Luna February 24th 2012

Bubba is getting older

Hello folks. You know winter is not easy for me. I have tendonitis and it is hard for me to walk. Today I went to a dog park and with the snow and ice, I just cut it short. SO not like me. I am going to go back on my pain medications to see if they help again. What a drag! Aging sucks!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Luna February 12th 2012

Well folks it has been about a month and a half. I have developed my personality...I am a morning dog. I wake up and want to play. After supper I get a burst of mad energy and I steal socks and shake them.

Originally, I was not able to walk very far without getting tired, but that has changed. I am a ball of energy. I love my red polar parka and boots and walk out bravely with a smile on my face and tail wagging.

I have read my earlier stories and it is hard for me to believe I am the same dog. I will try and get a photo of me taken in my red coat. It used to be big and now is  little tighter..I know clothes shrink!!!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Bubba replies

So much has been written about Luna that I feel it is only fair that I tell the truth about rescue dogs from my point of view.

Don't get me wrong, I love Luna and I know she came from a horrible situation. I have heard they were caged and not fed or even spoken to. That being said, Luna has within one month taken over!

Luna is an expansionist. She arrived and quickly took a small part of the couch. I was okay with that, after all I have a couch and  a loveseat but you can't give a female dog an inch. Just like Sophie she started to spread out...her toys are everywhere and there is not a place for me to sit. No matter, I have the leather recliner but still!

Luna also steals my treats. I thought Sophie was the only one. She will bring my treats to the sofa. Then I steal them and hide them...sort of our game of hide and seek.

You know a man likes his space and his comforts and for me my bed is my castle. Can you imagine how I felt when she tried to share the same bed with me? No way...she has her own. Next thing you know she will want my blanket and heaven forbid my leather chair!

All we dogs need is a place to hang our leash and jackets where we are loved and respected and can call home. Luna feels that and is already starting to take over. Next thing you know, she will start to there I draw a line in the sand with my way.

There are still things that I can proudly call my own. I own the rights, the exclusive right to the back of the couch. Yes I sit and lie there and wait for the mailman, or someone to bark at. I can get a good volume up and scare them so they drop their letters and flee in terror at my roar. That is my job...and there is no way I am going to let Miss Luna ruin that for me!

I also own the right to run at my owners and greet them with wet kisses and push my face into them. That is my domain. So far she gets that! Which is is my dog house not hers.

Luna...puppy mill journey February 3rd 2012

It has been about a month since I came here. I can't believe how I have changed. I got my first bath yesterday and so I am fluffy.

Medically, I am on the mend, my ear infections and teeth problems are in the past. I am working on a type of mange on my feet because I was run down. I did not eat much..but now..well just try and stop me! I run to the kitchen and help prepare meals. I love my dinners and breakfasts!

Emotionally I used to stay in a small space and was afraid to leave the livingroom. I had a real fear of the is now a favourite place of mine. I explore the entire house! I take myself to bed and am really progressing. I have some toys, and a kong and my fearful days are over. took time but finally my mother understood that I love the heat. Yeppers, Bubba is a polar bear but not me...heat heat heat. So I have a polar coat...thick insulation. It is red with white fur trim and I look like Santa Paws but who cares, I am warm. I now wag my tail when I go for a walk. I still have to build up as I was not used to walking. That Bubba is so strong...I can't keep up with him but it will come. Just you wait Bubba!

I am getting very good marks in home school. I have learned come, sit,  and stay. I will learn these from a distance as well. I have also learned a jump command. I am told there is down and stop yet to come but I am so clever I will probably move to an advanced class and learn some tricks. Learning comes very easily to me, especially since Bubba helps